Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February Financial Fast, Day 23

We are in the home stretch, with just 5 more days to go. It is kind-of amazing. At the beginning of the month, though I was optimistic, I didn't expect it to go this easily. Of course, there have been a few missteps here and there and I have really missed craft stores and school supply stores and even the grocery store. But along the way, we've learned that we are capable and resourceful and that we are blessed far beyond our needs. And isn't that the point of all of this? To look at our lives and see just how much God gives us. How many things do I have that I just take for granted every day? The house I'm in, the food in the pantry, the cars in the driveway, the chair where I sit and the computer where I type these words. The TIME together. We didn't go out just for something to do. We played games and talked around the dinner table and I picked up the guitar my father-in-law gave me years ago and actually learned three chords. We watched documentaries and the Olympics and I occasionally went to bed a little earlier – once or twice even before midnight! I can look at this life and see just how blessed I really am. One-tenth of what God has given me is more than I deserve. And then, as if all of that weren't enough, there is salvation and eternal life with Him yet to come which makes everything else look like nothing. What a loving, giving Father we have!


  1. I have been thinking about your spend-free month. You are living a simpler life, I think, and less stressful, just by not feeling like you have to go pick something up at the store.

  2. Thank you for letting us live vicariously through you. The financial fast was courageous and inspiring. We are abuldantly blessed.


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