For Part One of this post, please click here; for Part Two, click here.
About a week has passed.
At this point, I still had very few details. I had never made contact with either of my friends and was just waiting for God to reveal His plan. Funny how he does that when we least expect it.
This young mother had attended church a few times since the initial mention of adoption. I had “seen her around,” but hadn’t been introduced to her. Vacation Bible School was the next week and I knew she was planning on bringing her child. I was quite surprised when, on the first night of VBS, someone walks up to me and says, “She wants to talk to you and Tim tonight.” Wow!
I explained that it wouldn’t be possible on this particular night as I had to ride the church van to take some children home after VBS.
We met her the following night.
What in the world do you say to someone that wants to give you their baby?
This was one of the most surreal conversations I have ever had. First of all, we met her in a dark corner of the church fellowship room. There were tons of other people milling about the other side of the room. This was the VBS refreshment room for adults. Needless to say it was a bit of an awkward situation.
She really didn’t have any questions for us. She explained a bit about her situation. She had one child from another relationship. She was struggling financially and knew she couldn’t provide for two children. She was barely making it with one. Also, the father of this child was abusive to her. She didn’t want to bring the baby into that kind of life.
We asked her several questions about her background, her family and the baby. A healthy baby girl, by the way. She didn’t give us as much information as we wanted, however, we had plenty to think about and discuss over the next few days. We needed to think quickly because the baby was due in four weeks.
The following week the young mom called and asked if I would go to her next doctor visit with her. It was to be the next day.
The next day was going to be a busy one for me. I was in the process of planning and preparing for a company picnic. One of those tasks was shopping for prizes. My plan was to leave work a bit early and do some of the shopping before the doctor visit and finish it when we were done. It was also Tim’s birthday so I had dinner in the crock-pot and planned to stop at a local bakery for a birthday cupcake for him.
We met outside the doctor’s office. This was only the second time I had really had a lengthy conversation with her. I really liked her and enjoyed talking with her. The first thing the doctor wanted to do was an ultrasound. I was allowed to be with her during that. It was truly amazing to hear that heartbeat and to be able to see that sweet face. It was a precious moment and I am so thankful she allowed me to be a part of it.
Once the doctor came in and examined her and looked at the ultrasound he was a bit concerned. The baby was a little smaller than she should’ve been at 37 weeks. He wanted to deliver the baby the following week.
Panic set in pretty quickly. He assured us both that the baby was fine, but that he felt she would be better off once delivered. He scheduled a c-section for the following Monday. Just as a precaution, though, he wanted her to go to the hospital to be on a fetal monitor for a few hours.
We decided it would be best if I finished some of my errands and she went home to take care of her son. I would pick her up about 5pm and we would go over to the hospital for the test.
As soon as I got in my car I was in full panic mode. It was Thursday. How in the world would be able to prepare for a baby by Monday? We hadn’t even begun the legal process. I had sent an e-mail to our attorney. He was out of town until the next week.
Thankfully, I knew people that worked at the agency that helped us before. I called them immediately and they got the ball rolling.
Oh, and I called Tim and said, “Are you sitting down?” We are going to have a baby on Monday morning at 7:30am.
To be continued………..
- by Jennifer
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tease! You have us on the edge of our seats each time, killing us with suspence even though we know the outcome. It just solidifies that you are a good writer.