Friday, January 15, 2010

Dirty Hidden Places

Even after years of cleaning house, I'm amazed at how often I still find new little hidden places that need lots of cleaning attention. Today, as I mopped my kitchen floor, I noticed nasty little splats of dried milk at the bottom of the kitchen table's legs. "Eww, gross!" I thought to myself. "How long has that mess been there?"

It's funny because I stood there alone and a little embarrassed at my dirty little oversight, so I quickly started finding cleaning products to get the spots clean.

I find that my spiritual "kitchen" can be the exact same way. I try my best weekly to keep myself clean with routine processes like faithful church attendance, bible study, and prayer, but sometimes I find little hidden places in my Christianity that are dirty with old, dried stains.

Yesterday's stain was self-pity. Sometimes when I'm down, I justify my feelings by the actions of others. I can find a reason to be offended by any little thing. Being overlooked for an invitation to someone's party. Someone deciding, without notification, to not attend an event I invited them to. Any little reason will do. I often expect that others should act and react in the same ways that I do. I know this is completely wrong and un-Christian-like behavior, yet I allowed those sinful stains to dry up and make a mess of my Christian display.

A friend once told me, "Avoid self-pity. It is an aggressive enemy that will keep you from your destiny."

I know that I should heed Paul's advice to the Phillippians to always "think on good things." (Philippians 4:8) If I'd stop allowing myself to be so easily offended, I'd be a much happier individual and reap the benefits of counting everything joy.

My sister Lana always reminds me to ask God to create in me a clean heart (Psalms 51:10). And that's exactly my prayer for today.


  1. You have the best analogies!

  2. This made me cry ... because I've been so guilty of self-pity (especially with the examples you used) for longer than I care to say. Thank you for reminding me of how this dirty hidden place can be cleaned. You are a guiding light.


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