Sunday, March 7, 2010


The first, nearly ten years ago, had a heart defect. 

The second, less than a year ago, suffered an accidental overdose. 

The third, the one to whom I was closest and who was, in fact, a distant cousin, succumbed to complications from cancer just before Thanksgiving, leaving two small children. 

Lastly, in the wee hours of this morning, a car carrying my childhood friend and four others went off a bridge and into a creek.  Four escaped the car and survived.  My friend did not.

These four women were all of my high school graduating class and, at just 31 myself, I sometimes have difficulty with the fact that they are no longer with us less than 14 years since that graduation.  How is it that ones so young are already gone?

But I am reminded that we are all in the same fragile state.  None of us has the promise of tomorrow.  Though sad at this loss, I am also grateful.  I am grateful for the memories I have of each of these ladies when we were all carefree girls.  Most of all, though, I am grateful for God's amazing gift of eternal life through His Son.  I can know that no matter how long my life may last, even if I don't see tomorrow, I have a glorious eternity with God in Heaven coming and when I'm there, the tears will all be wiped away.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this Erica. God's will is not always easy to swallow. I hear God's peace (that passes all understanding...especially mine)in your words. May God be with their families.

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. I know it's hard. What beautiful sentiments for such a difficult subject.

  3. I will pray for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.

  4. My Prayers are with you, juat know God needed her back home more. Remember He loans us to our loves ones for the amount of time and season that they need us. She didn't hurt and is pain free from ALL life's problems and other issues. He breathed life into her when she was born, now He kissed her on those same lips and withdrew that breath and brought her home to be back with Him. You have the most precious memories and moments of her and no one can take those away. I know your pain I lost 2 of my best friends and my father 3 months apart and I surely thought I was going to end up in the 1st mental institution I saw or pass on with them but God brought me through. Love on your memories and those still here with you. Lean not on our own understanding but God's is best. May peace be unto you now and always.
    Karen Patton

  5. We, your living friends, will wipe your tears for now ... 'til you get to heaven. Hugs to you, my friend.

  6. I did not realize you were in the same class. I heard first through RuthAnn and then later that night talked to Alisha. I have thought about this family so much since I heard. My prayers and thoughts are with you all right now.


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