Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Christian Diseases (Part 1)

Over my spiritual life, I’ve encountered many spiritual sicknesses. From time-to-time, I fall ill and need a massive dose of spiritual vitamins! The great news is that there’s always a remedy. I thought I’d share what I’ve learned (many times the hard way). I’m certainly no "doctor", but I think I can offer some insight on the matter. After all, I’ve suffered from them all at some point in my life! (I wrote this originally for Vertical magazine.)

Slow Poke Virus

Symptoms: She says she’ll do something, then doesn’t do it. She waits until the last minute to do projects and does a half-hearted job.

Results: Very unreliable, frustrates those around her, ministry work may fail or be less effective because of negligence

  • Set mini goals so that tasks don’t seem so overwhelming
  • Have an accountability partner...someone who can text you reminders or encourage you to stay on task
  • Prioritize your weekly activities...sometimes Peter has too many things going on
"No matter what you do, work at it with all your might..." Ecclesiastes 9:10

Party-Pooper Disease

Symptoms: This Christian never supports events outside of worship . She’s the first to leave after Sunday service.

Results: Lack of connection with the body of believers, offends event planners of church functions, often “never knows what’s going on”

  • Leave your comfort zone by having a conversation with someone you don’t normally speak to
  • Decide immediately to enthusiastically participate in the next fellowship event
"Let us not give up meeting together. Some are in the habit of doing this. Instead, let us cheer each other up with words of hope. Let us do it all the more as you see the day coming when Christ will return." Hebrews 10:25


Symptoms: She can find the worse attributes about anything! She usually criticizes all new ideas.

Results: Easily hurts the feelings of others, loss of respect from many young Christians, sets bad example for non-believers, many conversations end when they speak

  • Avoid giving your opinion until you’ve thought through an appropriate response
  • Make lists of things you’re thankful for
  • Practice giving compliments

"Warn anyone who tries to get believers to take sides and separate into their own little groups."  Titus 3:10

"Do all things without complaining and disputing." Philippians 2:14

(stay tuned for part 2)


  1. Regretfully, I admit it; I have a bad case of the Slow Poke Virus. sigh. Thank you for blessing me with tips on how to overcome it. Pray that I will be able to apply these immediately and not delay any further. Please bare with me as I go through the healing process.

    Looking forward to part 2.

  2. Oh sweet MJ...I've certainly battled with all of these at one point or another in my Christian walk....a strong injection of the right spiritual vaccine always seems to do the trick! (and that doesn't mean you don't need a booster shot every now and then!)

  3. This is great Kenya! I think I've had them all at various times in my life!!


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