Thursday, September 30, 2010

Random Thoughts as I Try to Fall Asleep

  • When was the last time we updated FAR?  If I can't remember, that's probably not a good sign.
  • I wonder if most people are as easily distracted as I am...
  • What am I going to make for dinner tomorrow night?  I wonder if I can manage to put off getting groceries for another day. milk, no bread, no bananas...I guess not.
  • Did I lock the front door?  Yes.  No.  Ugh
  • Yep, it was locked.
  • What other errands can I throw in with the grocery trip?  Bank.  Pharmacy.  Library. Yarn Shop.
  • Is this sore throat and cough EVER going to go away?
  • I need to make more progress with Katie Grace's schoolwork.  I think we're falling behind.  Maybe I expect too much.
  • Did I pray?  Yes.  No.  Yes.  I think I'll pray again.
  • I always feel better after that.  I probably don't pray enough.  Probably no one does, I think.  
  • Sometimes I think all this free-will isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  • I don't think the 25 pound dog should be taking up more of the bed than I do.
  • Tissues with lotion - must remember these tomorrow at the store.

Anyone else ramble on in your head that way?  I used to find it annoying, but no more.  I realized what a blessing it was to be able to put all my thoughts and concerns into words.  In reality, God has given us the ability to settle our minds, bring all our troubles to Him, put everything to bed and then rest.  What an amazing God we have!


  1. YES. LOL! You must have been hearing my thoughts one night this week as I was in bed (minus "dog" and input 2 "cats"). I can sooooo relate to this one. Thanks. No wonder we get along so well. :)

  2. Oh, yes. Please post more. This is to all of you Ruby Sisters. Thanks.

  3. Love this!

    Need to call ______.
    Need to write ______.
    Need to invite ______.
    Ask so and so about ____.
    Put this on the grocery list.
    Don't forget about the county fair, woops, we missed it. Ug, and that was going to count as a school day.
    This needs to be fixed.
    Talk with hubby about _____.
    Oh, this is just the tip of the iceburg.

    Lord, God, I NEED you! I need some wisdom. I do not know how to go unless you guide me. I want to please you. I often feel like I'm failing, but I know if I could do it alone, then I wouldn't need You. Are all of my activities to your glory? Is there anything that needs to be given up so that I may better focus my attention? Your grace is sufficient for me. Please, bless the fruit of my labors. Help me to become more like you and train my children according to your word. You are holy, just, loving, gracious, and merciful. Thank you for your abiding love. I am counting on you and so thankful to know that you are worthy to base my whole life upon...

  4. AMEN, now if I could just remember any of this when I need to....


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