1. Headed To The Office
by Glen Colley
This book talks about raising boys to be leaders in the church and preparing them to, eventually, serve as elders.
2. I Kissed Dating Goodbye
by Joshua Harris
I usually hesitate to post denominationally written books, but I do so love this one. It discusses the young man's effort not to "date", but to purposefully look for a Godly wife in a way that is not self-serving or lustful. (And it is equally good for girls.)
3. Guy Time
Boys cannot have too many male Christian role models. Having them places other than church and home is even better. Help your husband to plan an outing with your son as well as some other Dads and sons (like, maybe bowling). It'll be good for all of them.
4.Kids In Mind
Kids In Mind is website that provides very detailed movie ratings. When your son wants to see the latest comic book adaptation, but you aren't sure just exactly how far PG or PG-13 goes, this is the place to look. Each movie is given a three number rating, 1-10 on Sex/Nudity, Violence/Gore, and Profanity and then they go into detail about why a movie rates high/low in that category and they even document drug/alcohol use, etc. For example, the new Disney/Pixar film Brave scored a 2.4.1. I am a big fan of Kids in Mind and use it regularly, even for movies that my husband and I are going to see without kids.
5. Digger Doug's Underground
What little boy doesn't love dinosaurs? This 18 episode series presents them and other science-y stuff from a Christian/young Earth worldview. It's entertaining and educational. I've learned quite a bit from it myself!
What other books or resources would you suggest for young men and/or their parents?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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