1. LOVE the LORD (Mark 12:30)
- God loves you; Jesus died for you. Respect the love you have been shown.
- Love and obey God and all other things will fall into place.
- Choose to be thankful and content.
- Pray.
2. LOVE ONE ANOTHER (John 13:34-35)
- Honor and obey your parents with a respectful attitude.
- Serve, encourage and forgive one another.
- Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- Be generous.
- Be a peacemaker.
- Be honest and kind.
- Give help cheerfully when you see it is needed; accept help graciously when it is offered.
3. LOVE YOURSELF as a CREATION of GOD (1 Corinthians 6:19)
- Choose to be joyful and patient.
- Do what you know is right, regardless of what others say.
- Exercise self-control in every kind of situation.
- Ask before you act if you are ever unsure.
4. BE a LOVING STEWARD of GOD'S GIFTS (Matthew 25:14 - 30)
- Use our resources wisely.
- Complete your assigned tasks with a cheerful heart.
- Take initiative to help without having to be asked.
Remember to show J.O.Y.!
J - Jesus first
O - Others second
Y - Yourself last
LOVE your rules!!!
ReplyDelete-Amy C