Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.
Psalm 19:13
Recently as I was reading Psalm 19 the phrase “willful sins” in verse 13 caught my eye. Actually it stopped me in my tracks. Willful sins. Deliberate sins. Intentional sins.
I wonder how many times I have willfully sinned this week. This month? This year? How many times, like a defiant child stares into the face of her father and says, "I don’t want to share my toys today," have I looked into the face of my Savior and said, "I don’t want to be nice to my neighbor today?" How many times have I said, "No, God. I’m going to do things my way this time. I know it’s wrong but I’m going to do it anyway?" How many times have I stomped my feet and said, "No. Not today. Not this time. Being forgiving just isn’t working for me today?"
Sadly I’ve had moments like this in my life. Haven’t you? Hopefully, though, as I am changed by His Word and His Spirit, those moments will come less frequently. Through prayer and study of His Word, I am changed and my willful attitude can become a willing and obedient heart.
Thankfully I have a Father who understands my weakness and provides the strength I need in order to be obedient to Him. Just like the father that lovingly disciplines his defiant daughter and forgives her, God lovingly forgives me and brings me back to His will and continues to transform me into the obedient child he wants me to be.
Are you willful or willing?
Oooh..great topic..I think I'm a little willful and willing... thanks for causing me to check myself!
ReplyDeleteWow! Good post!
ReplyDeleteHey Jennifer, both of your posts are great! They both really convict me about where I am...there are so many things that God is "working" in my life and I continue to be numb to them. Thanks for inviting me to read these...I needed it!
ReplyDeleteChristy Turner