Thursday, February 3, 2011

College Days

Lately I’ve been reminiscing about my college days.  I’ve always said that college is the perfect balance of freedom and responsibility.    In order to be successful, you do have to be responsible for your classes.  And, like many others, I always had a part-time job during college which required some responsibility.  At the same time, though, I always had big chunks of free time.  I was blessed to spend most of my free time with great friends.  Those friends are what I miss most about college.
I didn’t go away to college.  I stayed home and attended UTC (University of TN at Chattanooga).  Although it probably would’ve been good for me to go away to college, I am so glad I stayed because here is where I found the UTC Christian Student Center (CSC).  The CSC really changed my life in so many ways.  It was there that I became more serious about developing my relationship with God.  It was there that I went on my first mission trip.  It was there that I met people that I am still friends with today, twenty years later.  Not just casual friends, but deep, soul mate friends.
We had devotionals a couple of times a week.  Those times were the highlight of my week.  Spending time in Bible study, in song, and in prayer was uplifting.  My faith was strengthened every time I was together with those other Christians.
Relationships were also strengthened during the hours we spent talking, laughing and playing games together.  I miss those connections so much.  I treasure those times and often wish I could recreate them.
I love my life now and wouldn’t REALLY want to go back, but in this grown up world with a marriage, a mortgage and a real job, I sometimes long for a few of those carefree days.
I want to spend an afternoon making cookies with Stacy or go on a road trip with Julie.  I want to spend time in conversation about spiritual things and mundane things.  I want my summer to be centered on going to the Navajo Indian Reservation to teach kids about Jesus.  I want to dream about my future and wonder where I will live and work and who I will marry.
It’s funny, now I am living in that future dreaming about the past.
I love the future that God has given me.  I am so thankful for my college days and all of the other past days, all the people and all the experience in my life.  All of that has led me to where I am now.
What are some fun memories from your past?
“There is a time for everything,
   and a season for every activity under the heavens:”
                                                           Ecclesiastes 3:1